
Bruce Peck Blog

Bell Moore Group Inc. Review: Going Alone without a Tenant Broker?

Having a tenant broker on your side is essential in finding the best commercial space suited to your needs and at the right price. Still, some business owners don’t fully understand that tenant representation is vital to help them get the best leasing deal possible.


Bellmoore Group Inc review few issues that may arise if you decided to find space on your own:


  1. Time committed in finding


Finding available leasing spaces in desired areas will take time, as well as negotiating with the landlords and setting appointments for viewing the property. If you are planning to handle this on your own, make sure to allot more time than you might predict in finding available spaces that meet your requirements.


  1. You can’t get to see every lease property available


Oftentimes, there are some available property spaces that are never marketed to the public and only tenant brokers know about these new and upcoming vacancies. Tenant representation brokers generally have their own resources and internal tools to find lease properties that aren’t being openly promoted in the market. If you don’t have a tenant broker to help you, you might miss out lease properties perfect for your business venture.


  1. Complexities of negotiating


Leasing commercial spaces is nothing like renting an apartment, there are many factors that might require negotiation. Landlords might gain the upper hand when negotiating if you don’t have a tenant broker who knows the real estate market and looking after your interests. Without the requisite knowledge and experience in negotiating, you can’t guarantee that you are receiving a fair deal out of it.


Bell Moore Group Inc. has been representing the needs of many local and national occupants through effective tenant representation for more than 25 years. The firm provides a valuable service to tenants by understanding their specific needs and evaluating the most strategic property that can help them reach their business goals and maximize their potential income generation. More specifically, we conduct analysis and assessments of opportunities and potential risks involved in each client’s use of their intended property lease or acquisition.


We work to meet your demands, in order that you get the best deal and the most suitable location that best represents your interest only, without compromise.

Devin Fitzpatrick Art Consultants Review: En grundlaeggende guide til kunst udsmykning at undga fejl

Udsmykning et hjem omfatter ofte kunst, og det er en kendsgerning. Men som vi nyder os selv at designe, vi ikke maerke en en eller to kunst viser fejl, vi har gjort. Devin Fitzpatrick Art Consultants forstar en sadan knibe, saledes de gav nyttige oplysninger om de folgende afsnit for at undga disse fejl.


Nogle mennesker kan ikke lide tanken om haengende kunst for hojt. Du bor genoverveje at saette kunsten i meget hoje steder. Bestemme den korrekte haengende hojde af en illustration i dit hus for at gore det mere afbalanceret til rummet i form af sit udseende.


Folg den rigtige skala hele tiden. Hvis der er en storre plads, ikke saette et meget lille stykke kunst pa det. Du kan saette et lille stykke kunst pa den storre mat eller tykkere ramme til at give en vis balance, nar du laegger det pa storre vaegge. Hvis det er din hensigt at ga ud af skalaen, sa sorg for, at resten af tingene inde i lokalet er ude af skalaen sa godt, sa besogende vil vide det er lavet med vilje.


Devin Fitzpatrick Art Consultants tidligere droftet dette specifikke pa deres tidligere indlaeg, men det er virkelig vigtigt at sorge for det gode resultat af en mur Collage. Bestem folelsen af, at det vil give en person, nar han eller hun kommer ind i det rum med collage, sikre, at det er en positiv, for du bor huller i din vaeg.


Du kan vaere modig og anvende forskellige sorter. Du kan arrangere forskellige laerreder og indrammet kunst pa forskellige omrader, eller haenge gobeliner og pin up dyner. Kunst kan findes pa forskellige objekter, sa Sog vidt og bredt og indsamle al den skonhed, du kan finde for dit hjem.


Ikke alle vaegge har brug for et kunstvaerk. Negative rum eller blanke pletter i dit hus kan vaere lige sa slagkraftige, hvis korrekt henrettet, som ogsa kan bringe ro og gore andre designelementer synes mere kraftfuldt. Gor nogle rum tomme med henblik pa at skabe mindre hektiske rum. Ja, kunst kan bringe mere skonhed, men hvis du laegger for meget det kan ikke vaere behageligt for ojnene laengere.


Kig pa hele rummet fuldt ud og gore din kunst forbindelse til andre elementer indgar i rummet sa godt. Lag dine dekorationer til at ende op med et sofistikeret rum.


Sorg for at haenge kunstvaerker sikkert og korrekt. Haengende kunst pa et som bor ikke vaere tilfaeldet med din kunst. Vaer forsigtig, nar dekorere et rum rum med kunst, sa sorg for at vaelge den rette haengende vaerktojer og hardware.


Ikke alle kunstvaerk er designet til vaegge. Bland forskellige kunststykker af enhver form i resten af dit hus, hvor de kan saettes pa bagsiden af din sofa, eller toppen af en kommode.


Folg flere indlaeg fra Devin Fitzpatrick Art Consultants for mere ekspertradgivning om kunst udsmykning.

Keisen Associates Tokyo: Following PPAP Confusion

Following “PPAP” Confusion, JPO to Reassure Status of Trademark Applications Whose Acceptances Are Delayed by Defective Prior Applications


The JPO is making its procedures for examining trademark applications that have been preceded by defectively filed applications more transparent after some confusion that caught up the media in Japan. Defective (often, with official fees unpaid) applications frequently are attempts by third parties to claim an IP interest in the ideas of others. Recently, there was public speculation if pop artist Piko Taro might lose some rights to use his viral online song “PPAP [Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen]” due to a prior application on that by a “trademark troll” company that files applications for registrations of various popular expressions without paying the JPO up front, and make license deals.


While a third-party application may ultimately be rejected on grounds of defective filing (nonpayment of the official fee, for example), because it is earlier in the examination docket, JPO examiners of legitimate trademark applications filed later do not immediately allow the latter, until the four to six months of grace given to the corresponding defective application is considered rejected. In the meantime, an examiner may issue Reasons for Refusal because the prior application exists.


One might think that it is obvious that a prior application by a trademark troll will not pass, but the JPO wants to give grace to those who might legitimately forget to file payment with the application, and is keeping the grace period. However, it also fears that legitimate claimants to a trademark may become overly worried by Reasons for Refusal due to a defective prior application. Indeed, the public excitement about this the PPAP case shows that the situation can be blown out of proportion.


Thus, apparently in response to this application and many others, the JPO announced on June 21, 2017 (Japanese announcement here) that it will now state explicitly in such a Reasons for Refusal that that an Allowance can be given once the deficient application is confirmed as void. It hopes that this will help legitimate claimants stay on track and be less worried by a negative-sounding initial office action.


While those who understand the examination policies of the JPO would not have been worried at all of the outcome for legitimate applications, the public confusion surrounding the PPAP registration attempt demonstrates how important it is for IP firms to work with patent offices to educate and clarify what legitimate applicants can expect from the examiners.


Keisen Associates (formerly Omori & Yaguchi) is a Tokyo-based Japanese intellectual property law firm with an office in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. We offer a broad range of Japanese and international legal support in patent, design, and trademark law. Our services include including prior art searches, in-house technical translations, international licensing, and legal consultation for business development and technology transfer in Japan. Our highly skilled attorneys and patent agents are supported by a team of technical advisers, translators, and administrative staff who are fluent in English. We are delighted to provide our clients with seamless, efficient, and cost-effective service that flows into all areas of intellectual property protection in Japan.

Bankruptcy Code 2016 & Opportunities to Professionals

Insolvency and Bankruptcy code 2016 Opens Up New Opportunities for CA, CS, Lawyers


The Insolvency and Bankruptcy code 2016 is a historical reform that is expected to bring a major overhaul of India’s weak insolvency regime.  India is currently ranked at 136 out of 189 countries in the World Bank’s index for ease of resolving insolvencies. The code offers a way out to the creditors by allowing them to identify and resolve the financial hurdles and failures at an early stage.  There is a structured Insolvency Resolution process (IRP) wherein the creditors assess the viability of the business and opt for liquidation if the IRP fails.  Liquidation can be also be initiated by corporate debtors, its shareholders or employees. The code also provides for IRP of Individuals and Unlimited Partnerships.


The code thus offers an option to arrest the financial failures before it becomes irreversible. If liquidation is the only viable option, there are well defined scenarios for liquidation as well as priority waterfalls for distribution of liquidation proceeds.


A striking feature of the code is the provision of an Institutional Infrastructure for ensuring a structured and time-bound insolvency resolution and liquidation – consisting of the Insolvency Regulator, Insolvency Professionals, Information Utilities, as well as NCLT as the Adjudicating authority.


Insolvency Professionals

Professionals like CAs, CS, and Lawyers can participate in the institutional framework by registering themselves as Insolvency professionals. Insolvency professionals are intermediaries who perform a key role in the efficient working of the bankruptcy process. 


They will be the ‘Resolution professional’ for administering the IRP. During the resolution process, they will take over the debtor’s management, verify the creditors claims, constitute a creditors committee and help creditors to arrive at a revival plan. In case of liquidation, they will act as liquidator and bankruptcy trustee.


Considering the scope of the work to be performed by the professionals, there are regulations that govern the appointment of a CA, CS or Lawyer as Insolvency Professional.


Professionals who register themselves will be a key pillar in the functioning of this institutional infrastructure.  The code is expected to infuse oxygen into the much-stressed banking system as it provides for early identification and resolution of financial distress, with a shift to a creditor driven perspective. This is expected to bring a quantum leap to the functioning of credit market.  Effective implementation of the code will give a big boost to the ease of doing business in India.


Visit our website http://www.consultibs.sg/ for more information.

Galveston Capital: 10 of the Best Tourist Attractions in Jakarta


Top 10 best tourist attractions in jakarta


Best Jakarta Tourist Attractions – The connotation of Jakarta as a stalled city and all the problems of the metropolitan city are undeniable. However, the city of Jakarta is not as bad as expected. Destinations of tourist attractions, culinary in Jakarta and souvenirs typical of Jakarta are some fun things you can meet in this largest metropolitan city in Indonesia.


Compiled from various sources, Capture Indonesia provides some of the most popular and the best tourist attractions in Jakarta are visited by travel lovers, both domestic and foreign.


  1. National Monument (Monas Monument).


This monument has a 132 meters (433 feet) memorial monument, established to commemorate the resistance and struggle of the Indonesian people in winning independence from the Dutch East Indies colonial government. The monument built by President Soekarno is crowned with flames lined with gold sheets. Monas is the most popular tourist attraction in Jakarta, as well as one of the pride of the Republic of Indonesia. Friedrich Silaban and R.M. Soedarsono is the architect of this monument. This place is open to the public every day from 8 am to 3 pm, except on the end Monday of every month closed to the public.


  1. Thousand Islands.


Thousand Islands or Thousand Islands is one of the attractions in Jakarta which consists of several small islands is an interesting spot from among other tourist attractions entering the province of Jakarta. Thousand Islands coverage consists of Harapan Island, Bidadari Island, Pulau Tidung, Pulau Pari, and dozens of other islands. Most of them offer a relaxed atmosphere when visited with family.


  1. Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII).


Not only accessible to citizens of Jakarta, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah or TMII is also a popular destination for visitors from outside Jakarta and abroad who want to travel in Jakarta. Taman Mini Indonesia Indah is an interesting place in Jakarta that is suitable to be enjoyed with family. This site is evident from the thousands of visitors crowded this resort, the majority consisting of children, young people, and parents.


  1. Ancol Dreamland.


It was popular with the name of Ancol Dreamland Ancol Dreamland, this one tourist destination is now more familiar called Ancol Dreamland. Perhaps Ancol Dreamland is a tourist icon in Jakarta considering in every day, this destination is never empty of visitors both domestic and foreign. Ancol Dreamland including one of the best tourist attractions in Jakarta is suitable to visit with family. Ancol Dreamland location is quite strategic so easy to reach from various directions.


  1. Tidung Island.


Among the many small islands that belong to the Thousand Islands, Pulau Tidung may be the most interesting sights to visit. This island has a shoreline that is so shady and beautiful, making tourists feel at home for an extended stop on this small island. The dominance of a quiet and comfortable atmosphere is of course very suitable to relax with friends, relatives, and family.


  1. Jakarta Old Town.


Kota Tua Jakarta or Jakarta Old Town is one of the best tourist attractions in Jakarta which is always crowded by tourists. The city of Jakarta with Old Town landmarks is a historical tourist attraction in Jakarta that gives a lot of knowledge. Various relics of the past you can still meet in an area that is always crowded during this weekend. Also, photography lovers will always love coming to the Old Town.


  1. Tanah Abang Market.


For fans of shopping in Jakarta, you can visit Pasar Tanah Abang. From dawn, there are already some stores open in this market and will be closed at sunset. Tanah Abang market is always crowded to visit and feels will be crowded when the weekend. You should come on weekdays if you want to enjoy a convenient shopping experience because it is not crowded. Also, try to come in the morning. In Pasar Tanah Abang, the prices of goods sold are cheaply average. If you want to bid, then bargain as necessary.


  1. Sea World Ancol.


Located within the Ancol Dreamland, Sea World Ancol is a destination that offers you knowledge of the life of a living biota in nature. In Ancol Sea World, the collection ranges from freshwater biota, consisting of 126 species of fish, five species of reptile to marine biota composed of 26 species, 13 species of invertebrates, five species of reptiles, and one mammal.


  1. Fatahillah Museum.


Situated in the Old Town area of ​​Jakarta, Fatahillah Museum is the best place to explore many things about the history of Jakarta. Jakarta History Museum was established since 1707 with a typical neoclassical architectural style of the 17th century. When you enter this museum, you will be required to wear soft orange slippers. This site is considering the floor of Museum Fatahillah dating from the 17th century, and the use of shoes will erode the floor. In this museum, you can find many historical collections at least about 23,500 objects that tell the origin of Jakarta in the past.


  1. Ragunan Zoo.


The Ragunan Zoo, established since 1864, was formerly run by the compassionate Association of Flora and Fauna Batavia. Area of tourist attractions in Jakarta this one for 147 hectares and has more than 2,000 animals. Jakarta’s famous zoo is also overgrown with more than 50,000 trees, making the atmosphere so fresh and comfortable. This is one of the famous children’s destinations in Jakarta, providing education and early recognition for children to live animals directly.

Online Fraud Detection: The Timeline of Online Mobile Payments



As a society, our technology is becoming more and more skewed towards being mobile. Now we want to be able to do everything on our mobile devices, from shopping to paying for goods. With more smartphones in operation every year, this is a trend that isn’t slowing down or going anywhere soon.


If we go all the way back in human history, trading has been around forever. Whether that was a barter system with livestock and grain or a symbolic item to stand in for currency, these systems have been around for a very long time. These systems gradually evolved over time, with new ways to pay concocted on a regular basis.



Technology is the driving force behind many of these changes, as we’ve moved from bartering to the transfer of real cash. In the last decade this has changed even further though, as we no longer rely on typical methods of transferring this cash. Alternate payments now take up a huge part of the market, with new companies attempting to take their share of the market regularly.


Payment methods like Bitcoin, phone payments and even PayPal are still the leading force of this market. Users simply want the security and anonymity that these payment methods can provide them with. They are increasingly worried about internet fraud and disclosing their credit card details in plain text, which is understandable.


Gambling sites pick up on these changes in public preference quickly, so they allow users to deposit and withdraw with a wide range of payment methods. Now, the best UK bingo sites accept PayPal to help assuage these users’ fears.



PayPal bingo is becoming increasingly popular, as users are always wary about where they enter their card details. This doesn’t mean their accounts are totally invulnerable to hacking, but using a PayPal bingo site is more secure than giving out card details directly to a site. Digital payments can be risky but these sites aim to cut down on the instances of fraud out there.


Gaming safely is becoming a priority for users and these payment methods can help them do just that. The next big shift in the real world is the use of NFC payments, the likes of Apple Pay and contactless charges. These come with their own challenges, as users must be vigilant with their own security and who could take advantage of them. We’re yet to reach a type of payment that is totally secure without any potential for misuse whatsoever.


The ways we shop, game and transfer money has changed significantly and this seems set to continue. Facebook is experimenting with allowing their users to purchase through messages, which would pose another set of risks. These are all created with the idea of making things more convenient in time, though we need to be aware of the potential risks too.


Regulation for this sector is still catching up, as anyone can set up their own payment method if they choose. Unless they are doing something illegal, there’s nothing to stop them from promising security and convenience. A global standard is not yet in use, though experts speculate that it’s not far away. Financial authorities and banks are held to a standard, so it makes sense that any other payment provider would be too.


The history of mobile payments, and even payments in general, is convoluted so it’s hard to predict exactly where it will go next. We know what users want but we can’t say for sure what the next big thing will be to provide it. With technology always moving forward, the future is always bright for a new innovation.


Online Fraud Detection: The Timeline of Online Mobile Payments


As a society, our technology is becoming more and more skewed towards being mobile. Now we want to be able to do everything on our mobile devices, from shopping to paying for goods. With more smartphones in operation every year, this is a trend that isn’t slowing down or going anywhere soon.


If we go all the way back in human history, trading has been around forever. Whether that was a barter system with livestock and grain or a symbolic item to stand in for currency, these systems have been around for a very long time. These systems gradually evolved over time, with new ways to pay concocted on a regular basis.


Technology is the driving force behind many of these changes, as we’ve moved from bartering to the transfer of real cash. In the last decade this has changed even further though, as we no longer rely on typical methods of transferring this cash. Alternate payments now take up a huge part of the market, with new companies attempting to take their share of the market regularly.


Payment methods like Bitcoin, phone payments and even PayPal are still the leading force of this market. Users simply want the security and anonymity that these payment methods can provide them with. They are increasingly worried about internet fraud and disclosing their credit card details in plain text, which is understandable.


Gambling sites pick up on these changes in public preference quickly, so they allow users to deposit and withdraw with a wide range of payment methods. Now, the best UK bingo sites accept PayPal to help assuage these users’ fears.


PayPal bingo is becoming increasingly popular, as users are always wary about where they enter their card details. This doesn’t mean their accounts are totally invulnerable to hacking, but using a PayPal bingo site is more secure than giving out card details directly to a site. Digital payments can be risky but these sites aim to cut down on the instances of fraud out there.


Gaming safely is becoming a priority for users and these payment methods can help them do just that. The next big shift in the real world is the use of NFC payments, the likes of Apple Pay and contactless charges. These come with their own challenges, as users must be vigilant with their own security and who could take advantage of them. We’re yet to reach a type of payment that is totally secure without any potential for misuse whatsoever.


The ways we shop, game and transfer money has changed significantly and this seems set to continue. Facebook is experimenting with allowing their users to purchase through messages, which would pose another set of risks. These are all created with the idea of making things more convenient in time, though we need to be aware of the potential risks too.


Regulation for this sector is still catching up, as anyone can set up their own payment method if they choose. Unless they are doing something illegal, there’s nothing to stop them from promising security and convenience. A global standard is not yet in use, though experts speculate that it’s not far away. Financial authorities and banks are held to a standard, so it makes sense that any other payment provider would be too.


The history of mobile payments, and even payments in general, is convoluted so it’s hard to predict exactly where it will go next. We know what users want but we can’t say for sure what the next big thing will be to provide it. With technology always moving forward, the future is always bright for a new innovation.



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FAX or Email


Please download the following customer form in PDF or Excel and submit the completed form via fax or email to the following.


Our office for reception of fax and Email opens from AM9:00~PM18:00 on Monday to Saturday. We will answer 1 days after for the request which received overtime or on Sunday. We can receive reservation of the day or the next day, change and cancellation only by telephone. It is NOT possible to accept reservation by fax and Email.








Review on Unified Message Switch (UMS): Giving solutions to businesses communication issues

Many business professionals today depend on the quality and efficient ways to properly communicate with their customers and such methods were made using new IT media. IT innovations brought great change to our modern society and it is undeniable that a lot of industries benefited from this. IT offers amazing solutions and businesses' needs were fulfilled because of those and they can be custom-made which gives more advantage to organizations and their operations.


Every communication facility that individuals and businesses need are included in the solution Metropolitan Wireless International made for the communication needs of different companies named Unified Message Switch (UMS). The system has an integrated, unified communication infrastructure.


UMS' video capability could be fully utilized and has a voice and instant messaging and a lot of clients consider this as the system's main feature because of its positive impact on their operations. To be able to achieve full applicability, each component should be efficiently used while interphasing with other components. UMS also has a high-definition teleconferencing that allows you to facilitate business operations with your business partners even though they are far away.


Utilizing video for your business can provide a higher quality of service as well as minimize management overhead and allow consistent user experience on different devices. To attain your desired results, this tool should be closely integrated in a unified and constant way with your communications infrastructure. Videos are also easier to integrate into business systems. Ostensibly, this particular tool delivers simpler and easier use of communication links that gives great benefit to company's staff and customers.


UMS is proven effective to a lot of customers and their testimonies were a strong testament to the system's excellent features. MWI can demonstrate the real benefits of the system to actual business applications along with the rate of return. Potential users of the system could be confident to the capabilities of the system because MWI has a decade of extensive experience in the field of communication and unified communications, and it guarantees to the users the ease of operating and improving productivity and coordination.


Nowadays, developing communities have dynamic needs and businesses should be able to cope with them, this is why different IT innovations were introduced every year to complement with the rising demand for faster solutions. MWI fully understands this and they tend to upgrade the applicability of UMS to a wider selection of uses.

Source: http://justpaste.it/review-on-unified-message-swi

Axia Consultants RFI RFP Accounting-Software Efficiency

Important software efficiency criterion


Below is a list of the top 20 essential criterion for reliability, efficiency and ease of use for business software. If you are about to select new business software such as Accounting, BI, CRM, Payroll o


System reliability - good software should:


  1. Be totally reliable and consistently perform the required software functions


  1. Provide internal system controls to ensure accuracy, integrity and completeness eg data input and accuracy checks, validation, authorization


  1. Maintain full records eg to:


  • trace any transaction item
  • provide a full audit trail
  • provide a full record of all balances and transactions


  1. Support manual control procedures eg control reports


  1. Provide system security via multiple, configurable passwords / levels of security


  1. Provide backup and restore facilities for programs and data


  1. Support your organization, by running over your (chosen) network, database and hardware platform(s)


Operational efficiency - good software should:


  1. Provide configurable automation of system and business workflow processes


  1. Require data to be entered only once, with no re-keying


  1. Have configurable parameter / table facilities


  1. Provide easily configurable data import programs


  1. Operate quickly and efficiently, with acceptable system performance


  1. Enable real time and / or batch processing


  1. Support the number of concurrent system users you require, at peak processing / enquiry times, with no degradation of system performance


  1. Support your chosen operational set up eg whether using SaaS, running a Shared Service Centre, single or multiple sites


  1. Have a vendor warranty as to the software specification and performance


  1. Run on industry standard hardware


  1. Run with hardware independent operating system


Ease of use - good software should be:


  1. Easy to learn, with:


  • standard system commands
  • colour coding
  • on-screen help facilities
  • clearly written user / system documentation


  1. Easy to use, with:


  • full access to all system functions, subject to individual user security profile(s)
  • straight forward system navigation
  • short cut keys, pull down menus, scroll backwards and forwards
  • tailorable menus, screens, reports
  • multi-tasking ie multiple applications / windows open at a time
  • on-screen prompts and messages that are clear and helpful eg requesting input, identifying input validation errors or processing errors

Human Capital Alliance sponsors Chartered Financial Analyst’s event

Human Capital Alliance sponsors CFA Asia Pacific Livestream



Edwin Sim, Human Capital Alliance Ltd’s managing director announced today that the company will be sponsoring a livestream event organized by the CFA Society Thailand and the CFA Institute.


The event will be held on March 31, 2015 at the Sasin Graduate Institute of Business Administration, Chulalongkorn University.


”We are most happy to support the CFA Society Thailand’s continuous successful growth,” he said.


Different Lawyer Types In Singapore

Singapore is home to one of the best education systems in the world. Its high education level enables bright, young minds and aspiring individuals to achieve their dreams and become respected professionals in their own fields. Perhaps the industry that benefited the most from this favorable growth is the legal field, where thousands of lawyers have emerged to proliferate both in Singapore and around the world. There are many different types of lawyer, and each one has a specialization in a particular field. Presented below is a comprehensive list of titles, along with what they can do for you in times of legal issues:



  1. Criminal Defense

This lawyer type is probably the most celebrated lawyer type in and out of media. You can catch a glimpse of what they do in popular TV shows and movies, where they defend their clients against a criminal charge. Some of the most common cases they tackle are theft, the use or distribution of illegal drugs, speeding, and many more. Lawyers who defend their clients against criminal accusations are an integral part of the justice system, as they represent and try to prove an argument, parlaying against the full penalty or even waiving the charges if the client can be proven innocent.


  1. Public Interest

A Public Interest lawyer is more interested in protecting human rights above everything else, but on a much wider scale. They protect the public's interest; i.e, tackling health justice cases, environmental issues on a community scale, and putting disability rights to good use are some good examples of what they do. Their operation is akin to charity, but the rewards they gain are immense, as major changes can happen once they win a legal battle.


  1. Property and Real Estate

As Singapore's real estate is growing rapidly over recent years, Real Estate attorneys are getting much of the limelight these days. This lawyer type is mostly involved in handling legal disputes in regards to tenants and the respective landlords. Their expertise in real estate regulations and current laws put them in-between as mediators that have the capability to settle problems in a homeowner-neighbor property dispute. People from the real estate industry will always recommend to see a Real Estate attorney before signing any contract.


  1. Personal Injury

Personal Injury has recently seen a surge of lawyers in Singapore. This lawyer type will help individuals and those who have been injured by another liable party to receive compensation for what happened to them. Personal injury cases such as automobile accidents, traffic accidents, amputation, respiratory illnesses, burn injuries, or chronic pain resulting from an accident can be handled by a Personal Injury lawyer. Head injuries, back and shoulder pain, knee and foot injury that aren't self-inflicted can appeal to this type of lawyer for compensation purposes. Injury in the workplace (such as construction sites), repetitive stress, and occupational diseases can also be taken in by a Personal Injury attorney.


  1. Immigration

Immigration attorneys are the go-to people should you have any legal issues with citizenship. They can help you obtain a fully-legalized Singapore citizenship in the best and the fastest way possible, without circumventing any steps or legal process along the way. Not only can they help individuals get legal citizenship in Singapore, but they can also assist those who are looking to get business citizenship for working in Singapore and its many industries.


  1. Divorce and Family

Family lawyers handle sensitive interpersonal, family problems such as marriage and divorce. They are amongst the most important and most affable group of lawyers you can find in Singapore, and with good reason. These attorneys handle the delicate task of restoring social order within families by providing viable, amicable solutions. They will be there and speak in your behalf when proceeding with divorce, mostly handling the task of defending your child custody rights and distribution of wealth. You can also hire a family lawyer for adoption processes or when needing legal advice on any of the matters presented above.


  1. Employment

Employment lawyers are in demand as the country of Singapore has a substantial figure when it comes to workforce population. This group of attorneys normally side in with the employees and defend their rights as they work in a company. Cases such as overtime disputes, payroll, compensation, gender or age discrimination can be presented to an Employment attorney. They can also be hired to work out employee compensation benefits such as retirement programs, vacation and sick leaves, and the like. Unwitting sexual harassment victims can plead their case and have an employment lawyer defend them.


  1. DUI

Driving Under Influence lawyers specifically handle legal disputes over individuals who are suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. These kind of charges are very serious, and DUI attorneys are adept at defending you from harm. They cover DUI regulations, aggravated DUI cases, felony, and even drunk biking cases whenever it presents itself.


  1. Civil Rights

This lawyer type is critical in educating the layperson understand his or her civil rights. Domestic abuse are some of the most common cases a civil rights lawyer can face. These lawyers know and commit to memory the constitutional law, which is especially helpful for any civil dispute. Civil liberties and discrimination against clients are their forte. The recent spats over gay and lesbian rights have catapulted them up front and in the center of media spotlights.


  1. Corporate and Business

There are certain kinds of lawyers who only work in the business and corporate sectors. They handle small and mega-contracts alike, ensuring that everything is compliant, legal, and that both corporate parties are in a mutual agreement. Corporate lawyers can work in patent or litigation problems that affect business and corporate entities.


  1. Bankruptcy

Debts and the complicated process of bankruptcy in all its forms are the forte of a Bankruptcy lawyer. This lawyer type is in very high demand when it comes to the banking sectors in and around Singapore. Business can contact one should they need an expert in filing for bankruptcy, or in defending against it. They are also rated as one of the most efficient legal consultants among all other lawyer types.

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10 Tax Havens In The World - What They Are And Who Goes There

This article was originally on GET.com at: 10 Tax Havens In The World - What They Are And Who Goes There


Almost every country in the world, including Singapore, subjects its residents to taxes. The question has always been how high or how low the tax rates are for the particular year. If you’ve been following the news on the Panama Papers, then you would know that some of the wealthiest people in the world are being suspected of not paying these taxes, all in the name of preserving their wealth.



On one hand there are countries with the highest personal income tax rates in the world and then there are countries with the lowest personal income tax rates. But tax havens are a whole new ball game altogether. We at GET.com are going to try our best to shed some light on this topic.


What Is A Tax Haven?


A tax haven is basically a country with a very low tax rate which sometimes even reaches 0%.


Remember that scene in The Wolf of Wall Street where they stashed a few hundred million dollars in cash in Switzerland? That was no coincidence.


Nations like Switzerland and Luxembourg, were once considered tax havens.


For Switzerland, this changed in 2014 when they were forced to close their tax loopholes.


Currently, these 10 countries are considered to be tax havens - and it's not so easy to become a resident in any of them!


  1. Brunei Darussalam



To be considered as a resident in Brunei Darussalam, you have to reside there for 183 days or more within the tax year.


  1. Anguilla


To be considered as a resident in Anguilla, you must have been legally residing in Anguilla for 7 or more years.


  1. British Virgin Islands


To be entitled to no tax at the British Virgin Islands, you have to apply for rights to reside long term because of either local employment or self-employment, or if you are starting a business.


  1. The Bahamas



There are many criteria which enable you to apply for residency in The Bahamas. One common way is for financially independent individuals or investors to be legitimate owners of a residence in The Bahamas. According to their Ministry of Finance website, those who purchase a residence for BS$1.5 million or more will get speedy consideration!


  1. Panama


In Panama, you have to obtain a Temporary Permit before obtaining a Permanent Residency Permit. Once you have the residency permit, you have to reside in Panama for at least 5 years before you can apply for Panama Citizenship.


  1. United Arab Emirates



To be a resident of the United Arab Emirates, you have to apply for a residency visa, which has a 2 year validity period. During the 2 years, you must enter the country once every 6 months.


  1. Cayman Islands


To be a resident in Cayman Islands, you have to have been living there legally for at least 8 years.


  1. Bermuda


Before applying to be a resident in Bermuda, you have to have been living there for at least 10 years, among other requirements.


  1. Island Of Sark


To be a resident on the Island of Sark, you must live with a an existing Island of Sark resident.


  1. Monaco



In Monaco, you have to go through certain processes that will take about 12 years before you can apply for a privileged residence card, which is valid for 10 years. Upon obtaining this privileged card, you have to spend at least 6 months and one day in Monaco every year.


Who Goes To Tax Havens?


Most of the time, those who are interested in these countries are people or businesses with large amounts of money who want to escape the high tax rates back at home. Wealthy people mostly find themselves stowing away their cash in these countries.


For example, British Formula One drivers, Jenson Button and Lewis Hamilton both reside in Monaco. Instead of having to pay the usual United Kingdom income tax rate of 45%, because they are domiciled in Monaco, they are not required to pay taxes.


However, to move your money to these tax havens, is no simple feat. You have to be able to legally set up a corporate structure within the tax haven country, or be domiciled in that particular country.


These processes though, are not that simple. There is a lot more that goes into setting up a corporate company in these tax havens than meets the eye.


Is Singapore A Tax Haven?


The answer to that is, somewhat. Look at it this way, a tax haven is defined as a country with a low or no tax rate.


In Singapore, those who earn within the highest tax income bracket, or above S$320,000 per year are only taxed 20%, which is significantly lower that most other developing countries like the U.S. (income tax rate of 55.9%) or the United Kingdom (income tax rate of 45%).


Singapore also has a low corporate tax rate and doesn’t put a levy on capital gains. So when you take this combination and put it together, it’s easy for the people earning above S$320,000 per year, to think of Singapore as a tax haven.


However, since the UBS tax evasion case which occurred last month, the U.S. has been paying close attention to Singapore’s bank secrecy laws.


But while the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is clamping down on countries that remotely resemble a tax haven, they seem to have forgotten a haven of their own - the state of Delaware, which is home to no less than 285,000 businesses that are looking for a place to hide from tax rates.

2015 Honda Pioneer 700-4 Camo - Al Lamb's Dallas Honda



The new Al Lamb's Dallas Honda Pioneer 700-4 was built to handle a range of tough jobs, and is among the best built side by sides on the market. It offers a versatile body that can go just about anywhere a side by side can take you, with the capability of carrying friends or work help along for the ride.


When you rely on your side by side to get you and your cargo to wherever your’e heading, in a safe, reliable, and comfortable manner, the Pioneer 700 is your best bet to do so. With the versatility of hauling two to four people, while maintaining the capability of folding seats for extra cargo space, the Honda Pioneer is among the best in its class for adaptability. The Pioneer 700-4 has the capability of making your work a lot easier, while adding fun and comfort along the way.


Source: http://www.ideastorm.com/idea2ReadIdea?Id=08739000000A00NAAS&v=1459358418253